Add Some Maple Sweetness to Your Life!

How to substitute maple syrup for sugar in your baking.

Maple syrup is a staple in our kitchen at Sugar Ridge. It gets used in many of our recipes as a sweetener or flavour and is the ever so important topping for our yummy pancakes! Something you may not be as familiar with is that you can substitute maple syrup for the sugar in your baking.

3/4 cup maple syrup – 3 tbsp liquid = 1 cup granulated sugar

Reducing the liquid is to decrease the wetness of the recipe that the syrup adds. If you are adding milk, water, etc in your recipe, these are good ingredients to reduce.

This substitution will not work for every recipe, as some baking you do not want to add more moistness to it, but it makes for another great way to add some of this sweet, springtime liquid gold to your life.

Thanks to our super-awesome chef, Jen, for her continued kitchen mastery and the baking modification for this post!
