Iyengar Yoga emphasizes precision of alignment in the yoga poses. Why is this important? People tend to stretch from their more flexible areas and rely on their better-developed muscles for strength, thus reinforcing postural habits. Iyengar Yoga encourages weak parts to strengthen and stiff areas to release, thus awakening and realigning the whole body. As the body moves into better alignment, less muscular work is required and relaxation increases naturally. Poses are individualized to each person’s body type and special physical needs by teachers well trained in anatomy and physiology. To address these needs, props such as blocks, bolsters, blankets and belts are commonly used in yoga classes to help gain physical alignment.
There is no particular physical ability or experience with Yoga required. Because of the strict observation of physical alignment in every posture, many people find Iyengar is the best Yoga style to strengthen their body and get comfortable in Yoga.